International Equine Disease Report, Second Quarter 2013
- Topics: Abortion and Embryonic Death, Article, Contagious Equine Metritis (CEM), Eastern Equine Encephalitis (EEE), Equine Herpesvirus (EHV), Equine Viral Arteritis (EVA), Hendra Virus, Influenza, Leptospirosis, Piroplasmosis, Pneumonia (Rhodococcus), Potomac Horse Fever, Protein-Losing Enteropathy, Rabies, Rotavirus, Salmonella, Strangles, West Nile Virus (WNV)
The International Collating Center, Newmarket, England, and other sources reported the following equine disease outbreaks for the second quarter* of 2013.
Contagious equine metritis (CEM) was reported from Germany and the United States. The former diagnosed the disease of five premises. Three stallions and five mares (non-Thoroughbreds) were confirmed positive for Tayorella equigenitalis on culture and polymerase chain reaction (PCR). Of three infected Warmblood mares imported into Kentucky earlier in 2013, one gave birth to a health foal during the period under review that was culture negative for CEM. A 2-year-old Thoroughbred filly in Florida was confirmed positive for T. equigenitalis prior to export to Puerto Rico. Intensive investigation into the filly’s background has failed to identify the source of infection.
Strangles was confirmed in Denmark (six horses on one premises), France (four outbreaks), Sweden (one outbreak), and the United States (endemic with outbreaks in numerous states, including Kentucky, Maine, Texas, and Wyoming).
Equine influenza was reported from Sweden (two outbreaks of single cases), the United Kingdom (seven cases on one premises), and the United States (sporadic cases in at least 10 states)
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