Registration Open for AAEP Hind Limb Lameness Seminar
- Topics: Article, Hindlimb, Other Conformation Topics
Registration is now open for the American Association of Equine Practitioners’ (AAEP) two-for-one summer educational meetings: "Focus on Hindlimb Lameness" and the Business Education Workshop.
Jointly held July 22-24 in Oklahoma City, Okla., the meetings provide a unique format for veterinarians to develop knowledge about a relevant veterinary topic while obtaining valuable business expertise.
During "Focus on Hindlimb Lameness", veterinarians will derive knowledge from noted lameness experts about the most effective diagnostic methods and how to apply those tactics when the problem is difficult to discern in the hind limb. With its highly interactive format, attendees can discuss diagnostic approaches with presenters and collaborate with colleagues on case presentations.
The AAEP Business Education Workshop will encourage veterinary practice owners, managerial leaders, and ambitious associates to work together to ensure the success of the veterinary business. Topics will include changing demographics and generational communication, increasing profits, purchasing the right equipment and pulling a veterinary practice out of a "rut." Small group discussion is a highlight of this meeting
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