Q: I am extremely interested in becoming an equine behaviorist. I want to know more about how to go about pursuing a career in this field. I live in north central Kansas and currently have one full-time job and one part-time job. I’m not sure where to go for courses in my area. I learn best with hands-on instruction so I’m not especially fond of online courses. Is there a particular institute you would recommend? What courses should I take? I imagine there would be horse training involved in this field as well as teaching the horse owner? What is a typical day like as an equine behaviorist? Any information you can provide me is greatly appreciated!

Stephanie, via e-mail

A: It’s exciting to hear that you are interested in preparing for a career in horse behavior. Your questions are not uncommon. Here is a list of the course material I would recommend as most useful:

1. Horse behavior basics: natural social structure, the equid ethogram (a catalogue or inventory of all behaviors or actions exhibited by horses), natural foraging, resting, and social interactive behavior

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