Understanding Equine Orbit and Periorbita Problems
- Topics: Article, Other Eye Problems
Editor’s Note: This article is part of TheHorse.com’s ongoing coverage of topics presented at the 2012 American Association of Equine Practitioners’ Focus on Ophthalmology conference, held Sept. 6-8 in Raleigh, N.C.
Equine eye problems–ranging from corneal ulcers to uveitis–aren’t uncommon, and many horse owners are familiar with the trouble they can cause. Less common, however, are disorders involving the horse’s orbit and periorbita, the bone around the eye and the area around the orbit, respectively.
At the 2012 American Association of Equine Practitioners’ Focus on Ophthalmology conference, held Sept. 6-8 in Raleigh, N.C., Brian C. Gilger, DVM, MS, Dipl. ACVO, professor of ophthalmology at the North Carolina State University College of Veterinary Medicine, reviewed some of the equine orbit and periorbita disorders practitioners might encounter in the field.
"Orbital disease may not be as common (as other eye problems), but it’s a devastating problem," he began. "Not only is it vision threatening, it can leave long-term cosmetic damage as well
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