Trailer Smart for Safer Hauling
- Topics: Article, Trailers & Trailer Safety
We’ve all been there. A truck that isn’t quite large enough to haul that heavily loaded bumper pull gets pushed around when the horses bicker over the hay bag. The old trailer doesn’t have any brakes or tail lights, but it’s only a few miles down the road. Your brakes lock, but it’s only on one wheel and you’re a good driver, so why worry?
Ignoring limitations when hauling your horses is dangerous and can cause injury and maybe even death to you, your horses, and others. No one is such a good and conscientious driver that they can compensate for hauling too large a load with too small a vehicle or for a lack of brakes and tail lights.
While it is impossible to eliminate every risk when hauling horses, we can certainly reduce them significantly by choosing and matching our towing vehicle and hauling equipment carefully, properly hitching and loading our trailers, and practicing careful driving habits
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