Water Bucket Blues

—Jennifer, via e-mail
A.I certainly understand your frustrations. At the moment, our clinic has one stallion and two mares that tip their water buckets every night. The mares paw at their buckets, and the stallion plays with his buckets with his head. He also carries his hay from the hay rack across the stall, puts it into the water buckets, and eats it wet from the buckets. Our barn manager just commented today that these three seem to be in a contest to make the biggest mess. Anyway, I can comment on each of these watering issues.
Spilling water by pawing at the bucket
When horses drink from natural streams or ponds, they usually paw at the water’s edge. If they step in, they also paw, and sometimes they paw, then roll in the water. We don’t really understand what this natural form of pawing water accomplishes, but if you watch a horse pawing at a water bucket or water tank, it sure looks like the same pawing behavior seen at a more natural water source. I agree that it is very difficult to eliminate. Yelling at the horse or trying to punish the behavior is not usually successful
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