FEI Veterinary Protocols

The Federation Equestre Internationale (FEI), as the world governing body of equestrian sport, provides the framework for all FEI events, and central to this framework is horse welfare.
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The Federation Equestre Internationale (FEI), as the world governing body of equestrian sport, provides the framework for all FEI events, and central to this framework is horse welfare. At the time of competition, the horse must be fit to compete and free of substances that are prohibited under FEI rules. The FEI therefore requires all those involved in the sport to adhere to the FEI Code of Conduct and to acknowledge and accept that at all times the horse’s welfare must remain paramount. All those participating in FEI events must also be aware of the FEI approach to maintaining a clean sport and abide by FEI Doping and Controlled Medication regulations.

The number of FEI events being held around the world continues to increase. With more than 56,443 horses registered to compete at FEI events in 2011, compared to 53,032 in 2010, the role played by FEI veterinarians at these events is becoming even more important. During such events, specially trained FEI veterinarians monitor the horses’ health closely. FEI veterinary protocols have also been carefully established to ensure competition horses are given the correct care and attention as soon as they arrive on site at an event.

FEI veterinarians either provide treatments to maintain the horses’ health or act as veterinary officials for the FEI at events. The treating veterinarian supports the normal or emergency treatment of horses competing within FEI rules. The FEI veterinary official seeks to apply and enforce the rules at FEI events in a consistent manner to maintain a level playing field.

All FEI veterinarians must have equine practice experience and a strong command of the English language. They are also _required to take specific FEI courses and soon will be asked to fulfill an online exam. This ensures they have an in-depth understanding of FEI regulations so they can make consistent decisions and follow the correct processes at FEI _competitions

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