Why is My Gelding
Overweight horses, especially those with equine metabolic syndrome, tend to deposit fat in their prepuce area. Weight loss and simply encouraging your horse to move more to improve circulation can resolve the swelling for many older horses. | Photo: iStock

Q. My 22-year-old gelding’s sheath is often swollen. It doesn’t really seem to bother him as far as I can tell. Is this something I should be concerned about or have my veterinarian look at?

—Sharon, Michigan

A. This is something we commonly see in older horses. You should have your vet do a thorough examination of your horse to rule out things such as penile or preputial (sheath) tumors. He or she will sedate your gelding, if necessary, to clean the penis and prepuce (foreskin), remove any smegma buildup at the tip of the urethra (the “bean”), and thoroughly inspect for abnormalities

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