While delivery of a magazine subscription is probably the last thing on the minds of people living in areas devastated by Hurricanes Katrina and Rita, The Horse would like to assure our readers in these areas that they won’t lose their magazines. We are putting on hold subscriptions delivering to several zip codes, as the U.S. Postal Service has currently stopped periodical (magazine) delivery there. For updates on the U.S. Postal Service status in these areas, see https://www.usps.com/communications/news/serviceupdates.htm?from=bannercommunications&page=katrina.

When periodical delivery is resumed to an area, we will resume subscription delivery. However, readers who unable to return home and would like to make other arrangements for their subscriptions are invited to contact us at 800/582-5604. We will also extend the subscription term for anyone who has missed or suspended issues due to this tragedy

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