Dr. Robert Mowry Jr. Presented With 2000 Van Ness Award
The American Horse Council presented Dr. Robert Mowrey with the 2000 Van Ness Award on Sept. 23 at an Awards luncheon in conjunction with its annual meeting in Arlington, VA.
A Professor at North Carolina State, Dr. Mowrey has been
The American Horse Council presented Dr. Robert Mowrey with the 2000 Van Ness Award on Sept. 23 at an Awards luncheon in conjunction with its annual meeting in Arlington, VA.
A Professor at North Carolina State, Dr. Mowrey has been integral in the success of equine educational programs for both youths and adults in his home state for over 18 years.
During his time in North Carolina, Dr. Mowrey created a program called REINS (Regional Equine Information Network System) to educate adults on livestock assistance, obtained over $1.1 million dollars in funds for horse husbandry programs, conducted livestock agent training, presented over 700 lectures and published over 1500 articles in addition to his scholarly work.
With all this however, it is the 4-H Horse programs he is the most proud of
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