Earlier this month the European Commission welcomed the publication of practical guidelines on assessing the fitness for transport of equids (horses, ponies, donkeys, and their hybrids).

The guidelines were produced through a collaboration of agri-food, transport, veterinary, and animal welfare organizations and supported by the European Commission. The document was produced following extensive research and consultation by the stakeholder group coordinated by World Horse Welfare and Federation of European Equine Veterinary Associations.

The guidelines are designed to provide clear and simple methods of assessing the fitness of equids for transport to support a number of objectives including;

  • Helping to maintain good health among animals and humans;
  • Reducing the risk of disease transmission; and
  • Preventing animal suffering.

The guidelines also provides support to transporters, with information on avoiding penalties, financial losses, and withdrawal of the transporter’s authorization or driver’s certificate of competence. They also provide information regarding the enforcement and understanding of European Union Regulation 1/2005 which states that “no animal shall be transported unless it is fit for the intended journey

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