Heather Smith Thomas

Heather Smith Thomas ranches with her husband near Salmon, Idaho, raising cattle and a few horses. She has a B.A. in English and history from University of Puget Sound (1966). She has raised and trained horses for 50 years, and has been writing freelance articles and books nearly that long, publishing 20 books and more than 9,000 articles for horse and livestock publications. Some of her books include Understanding Equine Hoof Care, The Horse Conformation Handbook, Care and Management of Horses, Storey's Guide to Raising Horses and Storey's Guide to Training Horses. Besides having her own blog, www.heathersmiththomas.blogspot.com, she writes a biweekly blog at https://insidestorey.blogspot.com that comes out on Tuesdays.

Articles by: Heather Smith Thomas

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Diagnostic imaging technology has improved tremendously in the past few decades, with several effective options to choose from. Learn about the machines and technologies your veterinarian can use to look inside your horse, including MRI, CT, PET scans, and more.

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Horse Hoofwear Innovations

Today’s hoof protection options include a variety of glue-on shoes, hoof boots, and even orthotics. Learn about the pros and cons of each.

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Formidable Frostbite

Healthy horses handle frigid temperatures better than we do, but their extremities still are vulnerable to frostbite.

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