Feeding the Finicky Horse
There are many reasons why a horse might be finicky about his diet, and it’s important to first determine the cause, especially if the horse is losing weight. | Photo: Alexandra Beckstett/The Horse

As you head into your horse’s stall to feed him his dinner, you notice he hasn’t cleaned up his previous meal. He looks like he might be losing weight, and you wonder what else you can offer him that would spark his appetite.

Like kids who don’t want to eat their vegetables, some horses are fussy eaters; it can be challenging to find ways to get them to eat enough food. There are many reasons why a horse might be finicky about his diet, and Burt Staniar, PhD, associate professor of equine science at Penn State College of Agricultural Sciences, says it’s important to first determine the cause, especially if the horse is losing weight. “The thin horse and the picky eater may be interrelated or may be totally different problems,” he says. Before making diet changes, ensure your horse has no underlying health issues you and your veterinarian must correct; otherwise, any diet adjustment alone isn’t likely to help.

“If a skinny horse isn’t eating much, consult your veterinarian,” he says. “Several causes come to mind—such as teeth problems or gastrointestinal (GI) tract problems

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