Ray Geor, BVSc, PhD, Dipl. ACVIM

Ray Geor, BVSc, PhD, Dipl. ACVIM, is the pro vice-chancellor of the Massey University College of Sciences, in Palmerston North, New Zealand.

Articles by: Ray Geor, BVSc, PhD, Dipl. ACVIM

Shaping Up Your Overweight Horse

When preparing a horse for athletic events and sporting activities, whatever the discipline or level of difficulty, an important consideration is finding the horse’s ideal body weight. This concept is well recognized in human athletics. For”P>When preparing a horse for athletic events and sporting activities, whate

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Young Horses in Training and Injury Risks

Everyone involved in the racing industry knows that one of the major problems in training horses is keeping them free from injury. Bones, joints, tendons, and ligaments are placed under considerable strain during training and racing,

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Blood Builders (Hematinics)

Administration of hematinics (also known as blood builders) to horses, either in the form of dietary supplements or as injectable compounds, is commonly practiced by owners, trainers, and veterinarians.

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Fat Burning

For the most part, the word fat has bad connotations in our society today–fat often is used to describe an overweight or obese state. When we think of dietary fat and the proportion of calories in our diet that is derived from various sources”P>For the most part, the word fat has bad connotations in our society today–fat often is used to describe an overweight or obese state. When we think of dietary fat and the proportion of calories in our diet that “>For the most part, the word fat has bad connotations in our society today–fat often is used to describe an overweight or obese state. When we think of dietary fat and the proportion”For the most part, the word fat has bad connotations in our society today–fat often is used to describe an overweight or obese state. When we think of d”or the most part, the word fat has bad connotations in our society today–fat often is used to describe an overweight or obe”r the most part, the word fat has bad connotations in our society today–fat often is used to de” the most part, the word fat has bad connotations in our society toda”the most part, the word fat has bad connota”he most part, the wo

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Stress Testing

For a horse to perform well as an athlete, all body systems must be in good working order. When one or more system breaks down, the horse is no longer able to perform to its potential, and the owner, rider, and trainer will notice a decline in”P>For a horse to perform well as an athlete, all body systems must be in good working order. When one or more system breaks down”>For a hors

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What Causes Poor Exercise Performance?

A huge amount of time, effort, and money often are invested in the preparation of horses for various athletic events, including Thoroughbred and Standardbred racing, three-day eventing, steeplechasing, dressage, hunter-jumper events, reining,

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Performance Boosters

They purport to Increase power. Delay fatigue. Increase stamina. Build muscle. Reduce recovery time. Extensive research has proven… Doubtless, most of you have seen and read advertisements for nutritional supplements in”P align=left>They purport to Increase power. Delay fatigue. Increase stamina. Build muscle. Reduce recovery time. Extensive research has proven… Doubtless, most of you have seen and read advertisements ” align=left>They purport to Increase power. Delay fatigue. Increase stamina. Build muscle. Reduce recovery time. Extensive research has proven… Doubtless, most of you have “align=left>They purport to Increase power. Delay fatigue. Increase stamina. Build muscle. Reduce recovery time. Extensive research has proven… “lign=left>They purport to Increase power. Delay fatigue. Increase stamina. Build muscle. Reduce recovery time. Extensi”ign=left>They purport to Increase power. Delay fatigue. Increase stamina. Build muscle. Reduc”gn=left>They purport to Increase power. Delay fatigue. Increase stamina”n=left>They purport to Increase power. Delay fat”=left>They purport to Incr”left

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Pre-Exercise Feeding

When and what should I feed my horse before exercise? This question is very familiar to equine nutritionists, and generally sparks considerable debate about feeding management of horses prior to competition. While it generally is agreed that

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Fluids And Electrolytes

With the summer months approaching, it is time for a refresher on the impact of the warmer environmental conditions on your horse. Warmer temperatures and high relative humidity place added stress on horses during exercise because of their

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Peak Fitness

In the last issue we considered some of the adaptations that occur in horses during training. To recap, we know that improvements in cardiovascular and muscle function occur quite quickly after the onset of training

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Spring Tuning (Athletic Conditioning)

Most will agree that thorough preparation of a horse is key to success in athletic competition. With spring hopefully just around the corner, this is an opportune time to discuss conditioning. Of course, the nature of a conditioning program will

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Body Fuel

The importance of nutrition for optimization of athletic performance cannot be overemphasized.

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