Ron Mitchell/The Horse

Ron Mitchell is Online Managing Editor for The Blood-Horse magazine. A Lexington native, Mitchell joined The Blood-Horse after serving in editorial capacities with The Thoroughbred Record and Thoroughbred Times, specializing in business and auction aspects of the industry, and was editor-in-chief of the award-winning Horsemen’s Journal. As online managing editor, Mitchell works closely with The Blood-Horse news editor and other departments to make sure the website content is the most thorough and accurate source for all Thoroughbred news, results, videos, and data.

Articles by: Ron Mitchell/The Horse

FDA Sends Warning Letter to Compounding Firm

The FDA’s letter to Wickliffe Pharmaceutical indicates that tests show that some of the firm’s drug products are “adulterated and misbranded” under the federal Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act.

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Why Are American Thoroughbreds Racing Less Frequently?

Panelists discussed scenarios, ranging from whether the 21st century horse is too fragile, the possible effects of medications on whether horses start less now, and even possible economic decisions that have resulted in horses racing less.

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Churchill Downs Looking into Horse Death

Churchill Downs is gathering facts and conducting interviews in an effort to ascertain the circumstances leading to the death of a 5-year-old mare en route to the paddock for schooling prior to the first race on May 22.

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Getting Ahead of Gene Doping in Racehorses

Tygart: Parallels between Olympics and Horse Racing

The CEO of the U.S. Anti-Doping Agency says there are parallels between issues facing the U.S. horse industry and the Olympics when it comes to ensuring the integrity of those sports, specifically with regard to oversight on medications.

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