Equine Internal Combustion
Help kick-start your horse’s furnace by providing proper fuel, particularly good-quality forage.
Help kick-start your horse’s furnace by providing proper fuel, particularly good-quality forage.
Regulate grass intake to prevent excess weight gain when fields are at their greenest.
Prevent these noxious and nuisance weeds from overtaking desirable grasses.
Find out if your horse could be at risk of suffering subtle but serious vitamin and mineral imbalances.
Equids (horses, asses, and zebras) are the only animals that sleep standing up.
One way to cope with a winter coat is to clip it off. But with clipping comes certain responsibilities.
If you have property with horses on it, you’ll need equipment to care for it; here’s a guide.
In true summer riding season fashion, horse owners are heading down the road to trail rides and shows.
With a little forethought you can maintain that all-important digestive health throughout the year.
The immune system allows humans and animals including horses to survive in a complex world filled with harmful bacteria and viruses that can use our bodies for nourishment and reproduce within us. The immune system protects us from those organisms
A planned horse race over the Mongolian Steppes has raised the ire of several equestrian groups concerned about the welfare of the more than 700 horses that will take part in the 1,000-kilometer Mongolian Derby.
The League of Adventurists
A good pasture is not just a grassy field surrounded by a fence. It’s a place of beauty, a weed-free meadow where horses
Tailor your selections to your facility’s specific needs.
The President’s Inaugural Parade has a long tradition of including horses in the festivities, and this year was no different. With more than 200 horses representing 10 teams from throughout the United States, riders helped make this histori
The Southern Ohio Ladies Aside team is counting itself lucky after an accident involving one of their horses and a Secret Service truck at Tuesday’s President’s Inaugural Parade in Washington.
Mouse, an Appaloosa ridden by Deb Fuller, was
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