Sharon Biggs Waller

Sharon Biggs Waller is a freelance writer for equine ­science and human interest publications. Her work has appeared in several publications and on several websites, and she is a classical dressage instructor.

Articles by: Sharon Biggs Waller

Animal Health Trust Cuts Made

In November 2005, The Horse reported on studies at the U.K.’s Animal Health Trust Centre for Equine Studies in Newmarket. In December, the research staff changed significantly. For more information see

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Cuts Made at the Animal Health Trust

Researchers’ departure “a bitter pill to swallow”

In November 2005, The Horse reported on studies underway at the Animal Health Trust’s Centre for Equine Studies based in Newmarket in the United Kingdom (Helping Horses

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Arena Dust and Human Health

Respiratory health in horses is often a concern, and we work tirelessly to control dust in our horses’ working and living environments. Ironically, we give little regard to our own respiratory health in and around the barn. It has long been know

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Broken Legs Aren’t Death

Looking at a horse’s delicate limbs, it’s a wonder that those bones can put up with any sort of pressure at all. Equine bones are very tough, but fractures still happen. When they do, even the most stoic of horse owners can feel desperate. But a

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Trailer Shopping 101

Fulfilling your equestrian goals without a horse trailer is difficult. Your facility might be the best one going, but to really stretch your wings, it’s good to get out in the rest of the world. Even if you’re happy staying put, medical emergencies

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Importing and Exporting Horses: World Travelers

With the advent of the Internet, cheaper airline travel options, and popularity of foreign breeds, more people are importing and exporting horses between countries. But whether home or abroad, purchasing or selling a horse is seldom simple. However, if you know what you are getting into and are prepared to wade through the red tape, foreign money exchange, and long-distance phone calls, expanding

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4-1-9 Horse Purchasing Scam

Some scam artists in Nigeria and other West African countries have engineered a particularly nasty Internet scam, known as the 4-1-9 or advance fee fraud scheme. All classified ad web sites have been fair game to the fraudsters, including online horse ads.

According to the United States Secret Service, the 4-1-9 fraud (which refers to the Nigerian penal code section that addresses these

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manganese, pastures, kentucky, central kentucky, horse nutrition

Putting Up Boundaries (Fencing)

Trying to figure out which fencing is right for your horse, your situation, and your budget can be tedious, but with a little guidance, you and your horse can be satisfied with your fencing.

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Fescue Field Management

It is estimated that 35 million acres of United States pasture are planted with tall fescue (Festuca arundinacea), and roughly 700,000 horses graze these fescue pastures. This plant is a cool-season plant, so it grows in cooler climates,

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Horse shoe pulled partially off

Emergency Horse Shoe Removal

Everyone who owns a shod horse will have that horse lose a shoe at some point, but do you know what to do if that shoe doesn’t come off all the way?

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Get A Handle on Your Footing

Good footing is important for optimizing performance and reducing the risk of lameness. The main reason why sport horses retire early is due to osteoarthritis from constant wear and tear of the joints, sometimes from long-term schooling on bad

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bay reining horse, sliding stop
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