Foal Diarrhea


The Best Defense: Maximizing Foal Immunity

Newborn foals are easy targets for every kind of bacterium, virus, and other pathogenic organism. Here are some steps you can take to maximize your foal’s immunity from gestation to weaning.

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equine rotavirus; r. equi; Sick Newborn Foal at Hospital, assessing foals' fluid volume

10 R. equi Resources on

Rhodococcus equi is the most serious cause of pneumonia in 1- to 4-month-old foals. Learn more about this potentially deadly pathogen and how to protect your foals with these resources on

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feeding the orphan foal; Feeding Horses for Joint Health

Feeding the Orphan Foal

Orphan foals raised with a correct balance of nutrients and monitored for growth, food consumption, and weight gain can be every bit as tall, strong, and athletic as foals raised by their dams.

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