Cardiovascular System

Not all Equine Heart Abnormalities are Abnormal

When to Worry about an Equine Cardiac Murmur

Heart murmurs in horses are often difficult for veterinarians to hear and identify. In this presentation by equine internal medicine specialist Dr. Michelle Barton, learn about equine heart murmurs and their possible associated risks.

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‘Heart Attacks’ and Heart Disease in Horses

Equine heart disease is multifaceted and can be induced by multiple mechanisms. Although horses do not routinely suffer from traditional “heart attacks,” they can develop heart abnormalities that can negatively impact their health and longevity.

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Cardiology: The Equine Heart

Cardiac disease is considered the third-most common cause of “poor performance” in athletic horses (after musculoskeletal disease and respiratory disorders).

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Cardiopulmonary/Exercise Concerns for Horses

During the 2008 AAEP Convention experts discussed anabolic steroids, therapeutic medications, aortic-iliac thrombosis(AIT), airway inflammation, polysaccharide storage myopathy (PSSM), and the benefits of endoscopic diagnosis of airway problems during exercise.

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Anatomy and Physiology: Complete Series

Learn how your horse’s anatomy works with our complete anatomy and physiology guide, including basic terminology, skin, forelimbs, hindlimbs, feet/hooves, head and neck, tendons/ligaments, muscles, digestive, cardiovascular and reproductive systems.

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