Trailers & Trailer Safety


Double-Decker Disaster Leaves 17 of 42 Horses Dead

A truck carrying 42 horses bound for slaughter overturned early Sept. 27 on Interstate 44 in Franklin County, Mo. Seventeen horses died immediately or were later euthanatized due to extensive injuries, and the remaining 24 horses and a hinny are in

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Miniature Horse Dies After Dog Attack

A miniature horse owner in Hailey, Idaho says one of his animals was killed and two others were injured in a dog attack. Tom Riney says that for the second time in two years, loose dogs attacked two of his miniature horses and a burro on

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Truck Companies Pulling for Safety

Trailers decked out with lavish living quarters that would put some houses to shame are becoming increasingly popular in the competition and pleasure horse industries. However, these massive trailers can weigh in excess of 10,000 pounds (i.e.,

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Horse Trailer Drivers Urged to Use Air Pressure Monitor

Flat tires are the leading cause of disablements involving horse trailers. USRider is involved in a research project with Dr. Tomas Gimenez to test the benefits (if any) of using air vs. nitrogen to inflate tow vehicle and horse trailer tires. A

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Trailer Maintenance, Right on Schedule

Putting off trailer maintenance can be putting your horse at risk of serious injury. To make the chore more manageable, we’ll help you break it all down with tips on regular maintenance.

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WEG 2006 Opening Ceremonies Wet, Yet Wonderful

After four long years of waiting, an anxious equestrian world watched the clock roll down to the moment everyone had their eyes turned to– the Opening Ceremonies of the 2006 Aachen FEI World Equestrian Games. And while gray skies and wet and

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Retrofit Your Rig

Of the many things you ask your horse to do, few are as totally unnatural and potentially hazardous to his health as asking him to climb into a metal box and trundle down the road for hours on end. To make the trailering experience as low-stress

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Use Caution at Railroad Crossings

The Gimenezes studied more than 200 incidents involving horse trailers and noticed an inordinate number of accidents involving gooseneck horse trailers becoming stuck on railroad crossings. Almost all of these incidents resulted in losses

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Trailer Noise and Vibration Study

Any time you have excessive road noise or vibration in a horse trailer, I think the horse experiences some stress. That can lead to fatigue, both muscular and mental. Reduction of noise or vibrations should benefit horses in transit.

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Trailer Shopping

You’re finally ready to buy a trailer–one of the more significant purchases you’ll make as a horse owner. It’s a lot of money, so you’ll want to make a wise investment. It’s a good time to buy a trailer, as horse travel has evolved into a part

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USRider Calls for Improvements on Trailer Wiring

USRider has publicly urged horse trailer manufacturers to improve their electrical wiring practices. “Trailers flex and move constantly when being towed, so it is imperative that proper wiring techniques be used to ensure the proper and continua

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Improving Travel Conditions

While there have been many changes in the equine world in the past several decades, no change has been more dramatic than that experienced by horse transportation. The change, literally, has been from hooves and rails to wheels and wings. While

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Help Sought for Trailer Accident Survey

For the last two years, USRider has been working with nationally known large-animal rescue expert Dr. Tomas Gimenez in an effort to further enhance the safety of horses and those who travel with horses. To help with this important equine

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Safety Strategy for Traveling Equestrians

Horse owners are advised to carry a second spare tire when trailering their animals.

“The side of the road is a dangerous place to be especially when you have horses onboard. As a conscientious horse owner, you want to minimize that

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