

New Zealand Olympic Horse Dies Suddenly

The New Zealand Olympic Committee has announced the death of Chesterfield, who was scheduled compete in the Three-Day competition at the Sydney Olympics next month.

Blyth Tait rode Chesterfield to a team bronze medal in Atlanta in 1996.

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FEI General Assembly Meets In San Francisco

At the Federation Equestre Internationale (FEI) 2001 General Assembly meeting on April 24-27, officials and delegates supported the FEI’s focus on equine welfare. The FEI assumes responsibility for the position of horse sports in the world. At

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There are three very important topics that need to be covered this month, all of which have to do with horses, horse owners, and horse health. And all have to do with communication and the importance of making sure that the message you want sent

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Piroplasmosis: The Olympic Question

(The following information was presented by Lee Brooks, DVM, the state veterinarian for Georgia, at the American Horse Council’s Horse Health Committee meeting. Following this information is a summary from Georgia and the USDA giving

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Preview of the Olympic Equestrian Events for Sydney 2000

As you would expect from the Ozzies, the Sydney International Three-Day Event proved to be a great competition and an excellent dress rehearsal for the Olympics next year. This CCI** was staged from Sept. 23-26 at the new Sydney

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Countdown to Sydney

A world away from Atlanta, Australia lures riders and horses. In the four years between Olympic Games, riders have trained and competed their horses up through the levels. To enter the stadium in Sydney, they must prove they’re world

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A World Apart–Olympic Games 2000

Changes in diet, transportation, high-level competition…all are known to take their toll on performance horses. Combine these three and you have the making of a disaster, unless proper preparations are made to combat these stresses. For the

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Olympic Contender Survives Colic

In May, colic almost took the life of the Dutch Warmblood gelding Grandeur, who was days away from a bid for the 2000 U.S. Olympic dressage squad.

With his rider, 1996 dressage team bronze medalist Steffen Peters, 12-year-old Grandeur wa

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A Gold Medal Performance

The Olympics were a huge success for all three equestrian disciplines–eventing, dressage, and jumping. Since the test event at the Olympic site last September, it had been an eagerly awaited competition. In the end, all

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USET Wins Team Bronze Medal In Eventing

The United States Equestrian Team (USET) won the Bronze Medal in the eventing team competition following the concluding stadium jumping phase Sept. 19 in Sydney.

Team USA finished with a three-phase total of 175.80 penalties to win its

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U.S. Olympic Dressage Horse Makes Speedy Recovery

Concerns over the health of U.S. Equestrian Team (USET) dressage horse Foltaire eased considerably Sept. 9 after he made a rapid recovery from a bout of colic.

Foltaire, a 13-year-old, Dutch Warmblood gelding owned by Dick and Jane Brow

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Humans And Horses Sport Nasal Strips In Sydney

Endorsement deals are a dime a dozen during the Olympics. But how many companies can say that its product will benefit both human and animal athletes during this summer’s Sydney games?

Minneapolis-based CNS, Inc might be the only compan

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U.S. Selects Eventing Team

The United States has selected its team of four for the Olympic Three-Day Event squad as well as three starters for the individual eventing competition at the 2000 Sydney Olympics. The team three-day event horse inspection will be held on Friday

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USET Announces Show JumpinTeam For 2000 Sydney Olympic Games

The United States Equestrian Team (USET) announced its four-rider show jumping squad for the 2000 Sydney Olympic Games following the completion of the second phase of selection trials at Oaks/Blenheim in San Juan Capistrano, CA and The Del Mar

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Olympic Transport

How would you like to have a dozen or so concise, easy-to-understand pages put together as a how-to of keeping your horse healthier and what to do before, during, and after you load your horse in a trailer and ship him? Include some

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