Laryngeal Hemiplegia (Roaring)


Equine Charity Donation Supports Horse Health at WCVM

A $20,000 donation from the Equine Foundation of Canada (EFC) to support horse health at the Western College of Veterinary Medicine (WCVM) on the University of Saskatchewan campus has been doubled by a matching gift program, bringing the total gift

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Laryngeal Model Provides Framework For Surgical Advances

To test novel techniques for managing laryngeal hemiplegia, more commonly referred to as “roaring,” a research team from Cornell University has created a working model of the equine larynx.

Dysfunction of the left recurrent laryngeal nerve

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How Important Is That Airway Exam Grade?

The airways of many breeds of horses, particularly Thoroughbreds, are evaluated via an endoscope and graded before sale. The intent is to identify horses whose airways might have problems that could limit the horses’ performance at maximal

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New Surgery for Roarers Restores Talented Racehorse

A new way to correct a respiratory condition commonly called “roaring” has returned a Thoroughbred mare to the track, earning her owners more than $300,000 since her recovery in 2006.

Raging Rapids, a strapping 5-year-old mare, won a race

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Advanced Procedure For DDSP

A new surgical procedure known as the laryngeal tie-forward might provide a more reliable treatment for dorsal displacement of the soft palate (DDSP), the most common airway obstruction affecting performance horses. Current surgical procedures

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Equine Genetic Disease: Who’s At Risk?

Many DNA sequence variations are fine; they just give rise to the broad spectrum of colors, sizes, and other characteristics we see in the horse population. Some variations, however, cause problems. These might range from a genetic predisposition

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Laryngeal Paralysis

Partial paralysis of the larynx prevents maximal opening of the equine trachea. Affected horses can move air, but breathing noises occur, especially during exercise. The most common form of laryngeal paralysis is recurrent laryngeal neuropathy

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Old-time horsemen called it roaring. The common scientific term is laryngeal hemiplegia. “ld-time horsemen called it roaring. The common scientific te”d-time horsemen called it roaring”-time h

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