Bioabsorbable Screws

A unique type of bone screw made of a most unlikely material is making waves in equine fracture repair at the Equine Research Centre in Guelph, Ontario, Canada. The results indicate that the screws also could have important applications in human

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Tendon Injuries in Horses

Tendon injuries can be extremely frustrating. The best way to deal with them is to make every effort to prevent them, or if possible, limit the degree of damage that occurs. Certainly some tendon injuries occur acutely without any warning, but

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Scintigraphy: Get It While It’s Hot

Many times radiographs fail to show even stress fractures. Enter nuclear scintigraphy. This sophisticated technology uses radioactive material that, combined with a bone-seeking agent, is capable of locating stress fractures and other bone damage.

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Is He Really Lame?

You want your horse to be sound and stay sound. But calling the vet out for a thorough workup every time your horse stumbles or acts stiff can get costly, and waste your veterinarian’s valuable time–especially if those problems turn out to be

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Bandaging: Wrapping It Up

A general theme that applies to all bandaging–from the simplest of shipping wraps to the most elaborate full-leg medical bandages–is that bandages can be dangerous if not applied correctly.

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The Equine Spine–Back To Work

First, how can we visualize and understand what’s going on under that hair, skin, and muscle? Denoix has diagnostic steps to examine a horse with performance problems that he believes might stem from the spine.

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Solving Equine Back Pain

A recent survey published in England revealed that 70% of all sport horses sustain at least one musculo-skeletal disorder in any training season. In the past few years, horse health professionals have expressed the need for better and more

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Catastrophic Injuries

Catastrophic injuries, involving the fracture of a bone, take a heavy toll on racehorses in training and in competition. Research through the years has given the veterinary surgeon additional tools and knowledge to deal with these

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Popped Knees

I was talking to one of my friends last night, and she said her horse had a popped knee. What does that mean?” was talking to one of my friends

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What Causes Poor Exercise Performance?

A huge amount of time, effort, and money often are invested in the preparation of horses for various athletic events, including Thoroughbred and Standardbred racing, three-day eventing, steeplechasing, dressage, hunter-jumper events, reining,

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FEI World Singles Driving Championships Drivers Announced

The United States Equestrian Team (USET) has announced the three team members and six drivers who will compete at the FEI 2000 World Singles Horse Championship at the USET Olympic Training Center in Gladstone, New Jersey October

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Equine Physical Therapy

How does Physical Therapy relate to horses and to veterinary medicine? According to Haussler, the veterinary community can learn a lot from physical therapists about taking a proactive approach to equine rehab.

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How Much Bute Is Too Much?

My veterinarian recently prescribed Bute when my gelding came up sore after an endurance ride. He advised a specific dosage, but I wonder if I could be helping my horse more by increasing the amount of Bute or giving it to him more often.”y veterinarian recently prescribed Bute when my gelding came up sore after an endurance ride. He advised a specific dosage, but I wonder if I could be helping my horse more by increasing the amount of ” veterinarian recently prescribed Bute when my gelding came up sore after an endurance ride. He advised a specific dosage, but I wonder if I could be helping my hors”veterinarian recently prescribed Bute when my gelding came up sore after an endurance ride. He advised a specific dosage, but I wo”eterinarian recently prescribed Bute when my gelding came up sore after an endurance ride. He ad”terinarian recently prescribed Bute when my gelding came up sor”erinarian recently prescribed Bu”ri

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