Hendra Virus Update
In recent years, a deadly disease–hendra virus–has been making waves in the Australian equine industry.
In recent years, a deadly disease–hendra virus–has been making waves in the Australian equine industry.
One researcher says that it is very rare to see a spontaneous quarter crack not associated with sheared heels.
Veteran broodmares are at risk of placentitis, partly due to anatomic changes from previous foalings.
Exercise-associated hematuria, urethral tears, and idiopathic renal hematuria are three less common causes.
Certain hoof characteristics can be associated with chronic lameness, while others point to a sound horse.
Acute kidney injury, or compromised renal function, is often reversible if treated appropriately and promptly.
Atypical myopathy–a sudden onset of acute muscle pain and damage–is related to pasture rather than exercise.
Equine welfare was one of the themes of the 12th Congress, held Nov. 2-5, 2011, in Hyderabad, India.
Go back to basics to understand what ataxia is and how to diagnose the cause for ataxia in affected horses.
While some equine heart problems can be life- or career-threatening others typically don’t impact performance.
The ideal way to manage an obese horse or pony is to prevent it from becoming obese in the first place.
Disease control in developing countries must be cost-effective, practical, and acceptable to livestock owners.
Michelle LeBlanc, DVM, Dipl. ACT, received the award at the 2011 WEVA Congress in Hyderbad, India.
Blikslager was selected by an international panel chaired by David Hodgson, BVSc, PhD, Dipl. ACVIM, FACSM.
FEI President HRH Princess Haya delivered the opening address at the 2011 WEVA Congress in India on Nov. 2.
Members of WEVA gathered in Bangkok, Thailand, May 9-11 for the organization’s 2011 intermediate meeting.
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