A Day Spent at an Equine Clinic Abroad
Dr. Richard Stephenson watches Lucy Ireland put a lameness patient through his paces in the clinic's arena. | Photo: Erica Larson/The Horse

There’s a rhythm to equine veterinary practice. Whether it’s two vets running their business out of as many trucks or 30 vets running their operations out of compound, there’s a definite order to things—an orchestration of examining and treating and of communicating with the client.  

Maybe you’ve picked up on that rhythm, too, of balancing many cases at once but not forgetting details. I’ve seen a lot of it in my 15 years of owning horses and working with clinics large and small here in the United States. But I had to wonder if things operated the same way overseas.

While I was across the pond last autumn I spent a day with Richard Stephenson, BVMS, CertVR, CertEP, MRCVS, and the staff at Pool House Equine Clinic, a mixed-equine practice located at Crown Inn Farm in Lichfield. There, I got an inside look at what it’s like to be an equine veterinarian in the United Kingdom

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