Poll Recap: Getting a Closer Look
Veterinarians have a variety of options when it comes to digging deeper to find the cause of internal problems in horses. Radiography (x rays) and ultrasound might be the first things that comes to mind, but advanced imaging techniques such as computed tomography, MRI, and nuclear scintigraphy can be useful in many cases.
In last week’s poll, we asked our readers what type of imaging their veterinarian used most recently on their horses. More than 350 people responded, and we’ve tallied the results!
Of the 375 respondents, 201 (54%) said their veterinarian has used radiography (X rays) most recently, while 109 respondents’ (29%) veterinarians used ultrasound. Another 20 individuals (5%) said their veterinarian performed endoscopy, while 16 people (4%) indicated their horse had an MRI most recently. Some 10 individuals (3%) said their veterinarian performed nuclear scintigraphy (a bone scan) on their horse, and 7 respondents’ (2%) horses had been evaluated with computed tomography. The remaining 12 respondents (3%) indicated that other types of imaging had been used on their horse.
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