Equine Diagnostic Imaging Horse Course Archived
The latest Horse Course from the University’s of Kentucky’s Veterinary Diagnostic Laboratory and Gluck Equine Research Center (presented by Pfizer Animal Health) is now available for viewing on TheHorse.com.
The presentation, "Latest Technologies in Diagnosing Equine Lameness," was led by Kent Allen, DVM, owner of Virginia Equine Imaging, a specialty sports imaging practice in The Plains. Allen discussed current options in diagnostic technology for lameness detection in horses, including MRI, bone scans, digital ultrasounds, digital radiographs, thermography, and the lameness locator. (Editor’s Note: For a written wrap up of this Horse Course, see The Latest in Diagnostic Imaging Modalities for Horses.)
"It’s fascinating how (diagnostic imaging modalities) have changed and developed," Allen said. "We’ve got a ton of tools. But it’s also added to the confusion–which tool do I use?"
Allen stressed that, in most cases, the sole use of any one technique is not enough to reach a proper diagnosis. "Wait until all the information is in before you try to interpret results," he cautioned. "None of these (diagnostic imaging modalities) without a detailed clinical evaluation are a magic answer
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