Texas Premises Registration Requirement On Hold Until 2007
The Texas Animal Health Commission (TAHC) will not address proposed regulations for premises registration at the upcoming May 4 TAHC commission meeting in Austin. Bob Hillman, DVM, Texas’ state veterinarian and TAHC executive director, said the
- Topics: Article, Horse Identification
The Texas Animal Health Commission (TAHC) will not address proposed regulations for premises registration at the upcoming May 4 TAHC commission meeting in Austin. Bob Hillman, DVM, Texas’ state veterinarian and TAHC executive director, said the proposed premises registration regulations have been placed on hold, and will not be considered by commissioners until the winter or spring of 2007.
Hillman said the TAHC will continue to promote voluntary, free registration of sites (premises) where livestock and fowl are held, handled, or managed. As of April 4, more than 10,000 premises have been registered in Texas; more than 213,000 have been registered nationally. Premises registration is the foundation of the National Animal Identification System (NAIS), which, when fully implemented, would enable animal health officials to trace the movement of diseased or exposed livestock or poultry within 48 hours.
Information and agendas for Commission meetings will be posted on the TAHC web site, filed in the Texas Register, and announced through news releases. All TAHC commission meetings are open to the public. The TAHC’s Austin headquarters may be reached at 800/550-8242, and the agency’s web site can be accessed at www.tahc.state.tx.us.
Information sheets about premises registration, NAIS booklets, or presentations about premises registration may be requested by contacting the nearest TAHC area office, or by calling the TAHC headquarters and asking for Kenny Edgar, identification coordinator, or Carla Everett, public information officer
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