Horse Identification


Identifying Thoroughbreds

Do you own an off-track-Thoroughbred who’s lost his papers and name? Here are tips on finding out his identity and racing history.

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equine microchip look-up; Tracing Equine Microchips; equine microchip look-up tool

AHC Launches Equine Microchip Look-Up Website

The new equine microchip look-up tool will allow horse owners, law enforcement, animal health officials, and others to search for association affiliation for horses that have been microchipped and registered with a participating organization.

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Horse Identification Form

Horse Identification Form

Keep track of your horse’s distinguishing characteristics and record emergency contact information on this one-page form.

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equine microchip look-up; Tracing Equine Microchips; equine microchip look-up tool

AHC Developing Universal Equine Microchip Look-Up Tool

The universal microchip look-up tool would provide a single source where the public and various organizations and emergency response teams could find a horse’s identity or the registry with which the animal’s microchip number is associated.

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equine microchip look-up; Tracing Equine Microchips; equine microchip look-up tool

Tracing Equine Microchips

While microchipping is safe and practical, chips can be hard to trace if owner and database information isn’t kept current.

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