We are back from our Saharan adventure. The desert was definitely one of the more beautiful and mesmerizing places I’ve ever seen. Riding a camel into the dunes for one day to sleep in the sand under countless bright stars is something I’ll never forget. Getting there was a feat in itself. Driving around Morocco as a tourist is not the easiest or most pleasant of activities; dealing with locals who can get quite pushy about exploiting tourists gets trying at times. Overall though, it was a fantastic trip, and I would definitely return to the Sahara in the future.

I didn’t get up close to any horses during our little road trip. At a few towns just south of the Atlas Mountains, however, we did see large numbers of horse-drawn carts transporting people and goods. I noticed severe lameness in about 80% of those animals that were trotting as we passed by them in the car. That kind of sight made me pretty homesick, as I thought about all of the horse owners back home who pay so much attention to staying up to date with their farrier and maintaining their horses’ soundness.


Jeremy’s first clinical experience with tetanus

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