A New Normal
- Topics: Old Horses: Better With Age
The past few months, since 19-year-old Dorado foundered in June, have been nothing short of crazy. From full days spent at the barn icing his ailing feet and numerous vet checks to farrier visits and hand grazing, I’m not quite sure where the time has gone.
The good news is that Dorado is doing quite well. He’s sound, happy, and healthy. I don’t think, at this point, we could have asked or hoped for him to be at a better place in his recovery. The not so good news? We still don’t know exactly why he developed laminitis. We have several theories, but no hard-and-fast evidence. At the time, he was a fit, active, and healthy Thoroughbred gelding of a nearly ideal weight, living in a small paddock with just a little grass to nibble on. And all the tests we ran that might have given us a clue as to what happened came back normal.
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