Looking Back, Moving Forward
- Topics: Old Horses: Better With Age
Growing up, one of my very favorite books was That’s Good! That’s Bad! written by Margery Cuyler and illustrated by David Catrow. Amazon.com says the book is about “a little boy has a series of adventures and misadventures with a bunch of wild animals.” Well, if you change “little boy” to “not-so-little girl” and “a bunch of wild animals” to “one wild old horse,” you’ve got a fairly accurate description of my 2015 with Dorado.
After being as fit as ever and prepared to tackle his first three-day event of the year (that’s good!), Dorado suffered a laminitic episode last June (that’s bad!). Fortunately, the laminitis wasn’t as bad as it could have been with no coffin bone rotation and very little sinking, if anyÑdifferent veterinarians had different opinions (that’s good!). Two trips to visit a podiatrist and 90 days of stall rest later, Dorado was back on his feet, literally and figuratively (that’s also good!). The downside to three months in a box? He actually started to look his age due to the muscle tone he lost (that’s just heartbreaking).
Dorado wasn’t ready to retire, so we’re giving him another chance
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