A well-maintained horse trailer is a safe one, and safe practices mean less wear and tear on your rig.

Teaching a horse to load like a champ is an oft-covered topic, but have you considered whether you’re starting with an enclosure that’s safe and pleasant for both horse and human? By maintaining your trailer properly, and abiding by some simple safety guidelines, you will go a long way in helping your horse enjoy his ride and arrive safely.

The Stresses Of Travel

Transporting equines has long been known to cause stress and precipitate health issues ranging from “shipping fever” (any of several respiratory and pulmonary disorders that occur because of shipping) to soreness or injuries. Noise, vibration, the inability to lower the head, and the constant need to balance are all stressful conditions horses encounter in the average horse trailer. At a minimum, these factors could be detrimental to your horse’s performance, and they could lead to more serious health complications such as dehydration or colic. Trailer manufacturers have come a long way in developing more spacious trailers with adequate ventilation and cushioned footing, helping a horse feel less claustrophobic and more comfortable. But, the unavoidable characteristics of travel still have their effects, so maintaining your trailer to reduce noise, vibration, and dust, along with practicing safe loading/unloading and driving, will help your horse feel more comfortable en route and be healthier upon arrival

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