Equine Influenza Confirmed in Washington State University Herd

According to a statement from WSU, the horses are part of USDA research studying tick-borne parasitic disease. The herd is quarantined, and all the affected horses are reported as recovering under veterinary care.
On Aug. 25, WSDA officials confirmed three Whitman County horses with equine influenza (EI) at a boarding stable. Seven additional horses are suspected as positive with the disease. The boarding facility where the horses reside has been quarantined until all horses are asymptomatic for two weeks.
About Equine Influenza
Equine influenza is a highly contagious respiratory disease that infects horses, ponies, and other equids, such as donkeys, mules, and zebras. The virus that causes it is spread via saliva and respiratory secretions from infected horses. Horses are commonly exposed via horse-to-horse contact; aerosol transmission from coughing and sneezing; and contact with human’s contaminated hands, shoes, or clothes or contaminated tack, buckets, or other equipment
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