Impact of Dosage and Diet on Omeprazole Efficacy
- Topics: Article, Digestive System, Grains, Hay, Horse Care, Medications, Nutrition, Ulcers, Veterinary Practice

When it comes to battling equine gastric ulcers, omeprazole is widely considered the go-to treatment. With this is mind, a team of researchers recently set out to examine diet and dosing’s impact on omeprazole’s efficacy in suppressing gastric acidity in horses in various scenarios:
- With daily oral omeprazole doses of either 1 mg/kg or 4 mg/kg of body weight; and
- In high-grain, low-fiber, or free-choice hay diets.
In this study, the team outfitted six healthy Thoroughbreds with percutaneous gastrostomy tubes (through the abdominal wall into the stomach) to measure gastric pH levels, first recording baseline levels on Day 0, then following up with measurements on Days 1-5 of omeprazole administration.
The research revealed two key findings, said lead researcher Ben Sykes, BSc, BVMS, MS, MBA, Dipl. ACVIM, ECEIM, PhD, of The University of Queensland in Australia
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