Latest News – The Horse

Michigan Filly Tests Positive for Strangles
The filly lives in Tuscola County.

Investigating Prebiotics’ Role in Managing Equine Leaky Gut
Researchers believe exercise, stress, and diet can contribute to leaky gut in horses, but a prebiotic product might reduce the incidence.

Benefits of Extruded Horse Feeds
Extruded horse feeds offer higher digestibility, longer consumption time, and decreased dust and pathogens, making them an ideal option for feeding some types of horses.

Wisconsin Yearling Tests Positive for EHV-1
The horse lives in Green Lake County.

Quarter Horse Gelding in Ontario Tests Positive for Strangles
The horse lives in the City of Hamilton.

Rehabbing Equine Athletes’ Hooves
Read about the steps veterinarians and farriers take to identify, evaluate, and treat riding horses’ hoof problems.

What Happens With the Horse’s Gut in the Heat?
An equine nutritionist describes the connections between heat stroke and leaky gut in horses and what you can do to prevent these problems.

Feeding the Late-Gestation Broodmare
How to ensure the late-gestation mare is getting enough nutrients to meet both her needs and those of the developing fetus.

Should I Feed My Senior Horse Beet Pulp?
An equine nutritionist explains why beet pulp might be a useful addition to your senior horse’s diet, especially during colder months.

Research-Based Advances in Equine Orthopedic Therapies
Find out how orthopedic therapies are enhancing the health and performance of sport horses in the Research Roundup 2024 issue of The Horse.

Washington Horse Tests Positive for Strangles
The horse lives in Thurston County and was diagnosed at Oregon State University’s veterinary hospital.

30-Year-Old Michigan Horse Tests Positive for Strangles
The horse lives in Eaton County.

Built to Last: Ideal Equine Conformation
Assessing a horse’s limbs, feet, and body can help you and your veterinarian identify anatomical traits that could end up being performance-affecting liabilities.

Understanding EDM/eNAD in Horses
Equine neuroaxonal dystrophy (eNAD) and equine degenerative myeloencephalopathy (EDM) both plague the horse’s central nervous system.

The Equine Microbiome and Immunity
Here’s why a horse’s gut microbiome might have a significant impact on his immunity and what owners can do to support equine gut health.

Positive Reinforcement in Practice
By focusing on positive training tools, veterinarians can help horses see health interventions as less threatening.