EIA Confirmed in Five Texas Horses
Three premises in three counties contain positive cases.
Three premises in three counties contain positive cases.
One horse on the premises died this past summer without being tested; several other equines also reside there.
The state continues to investigate the source of the deceased horse’s illness.
The horses had been involved in chuckwagon racing, and trace-out measures are underway to identify other equids that might have been exposed.
Two more BC horses are suspected with the disease.
Both horses were tested to fulfill requirements prior to export to the United States.
Four more horses were exposed.
Movement restrictions have been enacted on the affected horse and any potentially exposed equines.
All affected horses, from five counties, were euthanized.
Four premises in three counties are affected.
The horse had shown no clinical signs.
Find out what insects can spread equine infectious anemia from Dr. Angela Pelzel-McCluskey.
The affected horses reside on three premises in separate counties.
Additional horses exposed at an auction have tested negative and are awaiting a 60-day retest.
All equines on the affected premises have been quarantined and the affected horse was euthanized.
The four horses resided on three different premises in three counties. All affected premises are under quarantine until TAHC requirements are met.
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