Navicular Problems


Wanted: Colorado Horses With Navicular

Researchers at Colorado State University’s (CSU) Equine Orthopaedic Laboratory are once again recruiting horses suffering from navicular disease to participate in the second phase of a horseshoe study. The first study, which began last August,

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Navicular Syndrome Diagnosis

“Navicular disease is very difficult to study, because you can’t reproduce it in a normal horse,” said Earl Gaughan, DVM, of Kansas State University’s College of Veterinary Medicine. “You can’t then work backward from the disease to find a cure.

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Navicular Disease: Genetic or Acquired?

Navicular disease can derail a performance horse’s career. Arthritis-like changes in the navicular bone, including cysts, channels, chip fragments, and bony spurs, become visible on radiographs, but there is controversy about the connection

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AAEP 1996 Convention Wrapup

A variety of topics, ranging from the sophisticated to the mundane, were discussed by presenters who offered their findings under the umbrella subject–The Foot.

Opening the session was Tracy A. Turner, DVM, MS, Diplomate ACVS, of the

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Navicular Syndrome

Most veterinarians and farriers agree that navicular-type lameness is the foot’s response to stress, particularly repetitive stress that can put uneven pressure on different parts of the horse’s foot.

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Navicular Syndrome Treatment: The Brave New World

In spite of the best care given to horses in the history of their domesticated lives, record numbers of carefully bred, reared, and trained saddle horses are prevented from fully athletic lives by the crippling disease known as navicular syndrome.”n spite of the best

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WEVA: On the Move

They met in Italy to exchange information about reproduction, sports medicine, infectious diseases, transportation, and surgery. The more than 300 delegates from 29 different countries, including Germany, Australia, New Zealand, Ireland, Denmark

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Stepping Ahead: Bluegrass Laminitis Symposium 2001

Laminitis is one of the most serious and difficult-to-treat diseases horses can get, and only by learning everything about this problem can we prevent and treat it successfully. Enter the 14th annual Bluegrass Laminitis Symposium held Jan. 25-27

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Navicular Problems: Symptoms and Treatment

Lameness emanating from the caudal aspect of the horse’s foot can be caused by a variety of problems. Here’s a review of what the horse’s navicular bone is, what it does, problems that can occur, and potential treatments.

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Bar Shoes

Once regarded as pretty radical, bar shoes now are experiencing something of a renaissance. In particular, egg bar shoes are being fitted to more feet now more than ever before-even those belonging to horses in high-intensity athletic careers,

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Neurectomy for Navicular

While untenable pain due to navicular syndrome and caudal heel syndrome is the most common cause of performance horses’ being nerved, Madison said in Thoroughbred racehorses a wing fracture of the coffin bone often necessitates a neurectomy.

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