Navicular Problems

How Veterinarians Evaluate Horses With Laminitis

The Value of Hoof Radiographs

A veterinarian explains why hoof radiographs are important, how to use them, and what role they play in helping your horse feel and move better.

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Podotrochlosis, also known as navicular syndrome

Fact Sheet: Equine Navicular Syndrome

Navicular syndrome, more accurately referred to as podotrochlosis, is a catchall phrase describing chronic forelimb lameness caused by pain stemming from the navicular bone and related structures. Sponsored by Dechra.

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diagnosing foot lameness in horses; Lameness exam, hoof testers

Managing Equine Foot Pain

What can an owner do to control a horse’s foot pain? We turned to two equine veterinarians that spend a lot of time managing horses’ feet to find out.

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