Fact Sheet: Equine Navicular Syndrome
- Posted by Stacey Oke, DVM, MSc

Historically, navicular disease, defined as degeneration of the navicular bone and its associated structures, was assumed to be pain localized to a horse’s foot.¹,² Now, veterinarians know navicular disease is more accurately referred to as podotrochlosis because it involves not only the navicular bone but also a large number of structures that make up the podotrochlear apparatus. Throughout this fact sheet, however, we’ll use the more commonly accepted term, navicular disease, in reference to the condition.

Written by:
Stacey Oke, DVM, MSc
Stacey Oke, MSc, DVM, is a practicing veterinarian and freelance medical writer and editor. She is interested in both large and small animals, as well as complementary and alternative medicine. Since 2005, she’s worked as a research consultant for nutritional supplement companies, assisted physicians and veterinarians in publishing research articles and textbooks, and written for a number of educational magazines and websites.
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