Muscle and Joint Problems

American Quarter Horse Foundation; Life-Threatening Hyperkalemia in Horses

Clostridial Myositis in Horses

Clostridial myositis is a rare but serious bacterial infection, which causes inflammation and death of muscle and release of bacterial toxins into the bloodstream.

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imm in quarter horses; muscular disorders in athletic horses; Feeding Horses With Muscle Issues

Muscle Disease Mutation Common in Quarter Horses

Researchers say the mutation responsible for the sometimes-fatal muscle condition immune-mediated myositis (or IMM) is just as common, if not more so, than at least two other well-known genetic diseases in Quarter Horses: HERDA and HYPP.

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Bisphosphonates: Why the Drama?

Research suggests that bisphosphonates can effectively help control clinical signs associated with navicular syndrome in horses, but there’s less research on off-label use. Here’s what to know.

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off-label bisphosphonate use in racehorses

Off-Label Bisphosphonate Use in Racehorses

Bisphosphonates are FDA-approved for controlling clinical signs associated with navicular syndrome in horses ages 4 and older. Some veterinarians use them off-label to treat other equine bone issues. But could this off-label use be detrimental? One equine veterinarian recently gave a rundown on what research says.

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