Veterinary Practice


A Need for Compounding

Veterinary compounding is an alternative source of medications when there are no commercially available products that meet the needs of a particular patient.

Compounding, by definition, is tailor-made preparation of a dru

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California Governor Proposes Tax on Veterinary Services

In an effort to raise funds for the state, California Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger recently announced his proposal to expand sales tax to include veterinary services. If this proposal passes, the governor estimated $357 million in increased revenu

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Survey of Veterinarians Shows High Job Satisfaction

The American Veterinary Medical Association (AVMA) 2007 Member Needs Assessment surveyed members regarding job satisfaction and happiness. That data was then compared to existing job satisfaction data taken from a study published by the National

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Shortage of Large Animal Vets Taxes Farmers

This summer, Steve Sanford had to tell 106 dairy farmers in rural northern Vermont he could no longer treat their cows.

Battling degenerative arthritis, the 56-year-old large animal veterinarian can’t do the physically challenging work any

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Mississippi State Vet School Adds Ambulatory Service

Mississippi State University’s College of Veterinary Medicine ambulatory service is catching on as a win-win opportunity for both vet students and area horse owners.

David Christiansen, DVM, assistant professor in the Department of

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Fuel Shortages Affect Vets, Horse Owners in Southeast

As if economic challenges weren’t enough for horse owners, there are now reports of fuel shortages throughout northern Georgia and into the Carolinas. The shortage has been affecting everything from scheduling veterinary appointments to how

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Ohio State Receives Science Faculty Diversity Grant

The Ohio State University will use federal funding to help female faculty advance in the sciences by launching a five-year initiative to change academic departmental culture in disciplines in which women are underrepresented on the faculty.

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Who’s Your Vet

Horse owners have noticed a shift in who their medical caregivers are, and that trend will continue in the coming decade

For anyone with a horse, it might come as no surprise that in recent years you?ve been seeing a

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Promoting Equine Veterinary Practice to Vet Students

More than 800 third-year veterinary students were given a fully sponsored trip to attend the Opportunities in Equine Practice Seminar (OEPS) in Lexington, Ky., over Labor Day weekend. Members of the veterinary class of 2010 were given the

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Tropical Storm Fay Damages Equine Hospital

Although Tropical Storm Fay attacked the Palm Beach Equine Clinic in Wellington, Fla., with a vengeance on Aug. 19, no people or horses were injured. The veterinarians were quickly back at work, and the clinic was running fairly normally as of

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Equine Veterinarian Dies of Hendra Virus

One of the two equine hospital staff workers hospitalized with Hendra virus in Australia has died. Veterinarian Ben Cunneen, BVSc, died Wednesday. He had contracted Hendra virus from a horse hospitalized at the Redlands Veterinary Clinic on the

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Severe Colic and New Treatments

Generally, the population of horses that develop severe colic includes the ones that don’t respond to the veterinarian’s initial treatment. Almost all severe colics start as mild colics that are simply left too long.

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Equine Dentistry: Straight From the Horse’s Mouth

As a veterinarian with more than 20 years of experience in veterinary dentistry, James Anthony, DVM, Dipl. AVDC, offers a unique perspective on issues related to this specialized field, the growing recognition of dentistry’s

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