Veterinary Practice


Equine Physical Therapy

How does Physical Therapy relate to horses and to veterinary medicine? According to Haussler, the veterinary community can learn a lot from physical therapists about taking a proactive approach to equine rehab.

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The Olympic Vet

Behind every great Olympic equestrian three-day event team of riders and horses is a ground crew that makes everything go as planned. The fine-tuning of each equine competitor’s health specifically for the Sydney challenge began long before the

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Piedra Announces Equine Research Grants

The Piedra Foundation (TPF) awards several applied equine research grants each year to private equine practices with qualifying internship programs. Through these grants, funded by The Oak Tree Racing Association, TPF helps progressive equine

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Neurectomy for Navicular

While untenable pain due to navicular syndrome and caudal heel syndrome is the most common cause of performance horses’ being nerved, Madison said in Thoroughbred racehorses a wing fracture of the coffin bone often necessitates a neurectomy.

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