horse eating hay
A forage-based diet is ideal for optimal joint health. | Thinkstock

A balanced diet can benefit your horse’s joint health. Ideally, you’ll want to feed a forage-based diet plus a concentrate or ration balancer that provides the appropriate nutrients the horse might be missing from forage, says Julie Settlage, DVM, MSc, Dipl. ACVS-LA. Also, don’t forget about hydration.

This podcast is an excerpt from our Ask The Horse Live Q&A, “Equine Joint Health.” Listen to the full recording here.

About the Expert:

Julie Settlage

Julie Settlage, DVMJulie Settlage, DVM, MSc Vet Ed, Dipl. ACVS-LA, is a board-certified large animal surgeon with a keen interest in sustainable equine practice. She joined the Boehringer Ingelheim Equine Professional Services team in 2020. Previously, she was the chief of the equine internal medicine and surgery service at Virginia Maryland College of Veterinary Medicine, in Blacksburg. Settlage is a member of ACVS, AVMA, VVMA, AAEP, and VAEP and past president of the SWVVMA. Her clinical interests include general surgery and sport horse medicine.