The Bureau of Land Management (BLM) is requesting public nominations to fill three positions on its national Wild Horse and Burro Advisory Board. Nominations are for a term of three years and are needed to represent the following categories of interest: wild horse and burro research, natural resource management, and public interest (with special knowledge of equine behavior).

The board advises the BLM and the U.S. Forest Service on the protection and management of wild free-roaming horses and burros on public lands administered by those agencies. The BLM announced its formal request for nominations in the July 2 edition of the Federal Register.

The nine members on the board represent a balance of interests. Each member has knowledge or special expertise that qualifies him or her to provide advice in one of the following categories: wild horse and burro advocacy, wild horse and burro research, veterinary medicine, natural resources management, humane advocacy, wildlife management, livestock management, general public interest, and public interest (with special knowledge of equine behavior). Members must also have a demonstrated ability to analyze information, evaluate programs, identify problems, work collaboratively, and recommend corrective actions.

The board meets at least two times a year and the BLM director can call additional meetings when necessary. Members serve without salary, but are reimbursed for travel and per diem expenses according to government travel regulations. Board members serve three-year terms, on a staggered-term basis, with one-third of the board subject to appointment each year

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