Ten horses are in equine welfare advocates’ care after being removed from a warehouse in Detroit, Mich., earlier this week.

Kevin Hatman, public information coordinator for the Michigan Humane Society, said that on Nov. 15, personnel from the agency along with personnel from the Detroit Police Department and the DTE Energy Co. Theft Unit seized the animals from a warehouse located in Detroit’s industrial west side. At the time of the seizure, all the animals were in various stages of neglect or poor health, Hatman said.

All the horse were transported to facilities of the International League for the Protection of Horses of Michigan (ILphMichigan) for veterinary evaluation and care, Hatman said. ILphMichigan President Larry Heuer confirmed that the horses were in his organization’s care, but declined to provide any details about the animals or their condition.

An investigation into the horses’ circumstances is under way, Hatman said

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