Horse Shows and Training ExcerptAfter you’ve been horse showing for a few years, it’s easy to fall into a sort of comfort zone Ð a routine that works for you, but that may not be working for your wallet. You go to the same shows year after year because it’s what you know. You stay at the nearest hotel because it’s convenient. Your horse is trailered in a day early, your trainer may school him for you, and you enter a warm-up class. This is all good and well, but you’re spending an unnecessary amount of money. The most recent excerpt from Thrifty Horsekeeping’s Horse Shows and Training chapter will address ways to spend less at horse shows and plan ahead to get the most bang for your buck. Read it here.

Another big money-saver, be it for horse shows, clinics, vet visits, etc., is carpooling and trailersharing. How easy is it to find a buddy to share a spot in a trailer or car and split fuel costs? The United States Equestrian Federation has recently set up a great online Ride Share Program for both people and equines heading to horse shows around the country.

The local circuits and schooling shows are going to put a lot less stress on your bank account than large sanctioned events, and can typically be found close to home, avoiding overnight costs. If you do travel more than a few hours to a competition however, there are some creative lodging tips that can make your stay less expensive:

Pack people into hotel rooms Ð share beds, or ask for an extra roll-away bed

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