Have You Ever Seen a Goat and Donkey Play?
- Topics: Blog Archive
The weather in Kentucky has been cool this weekend, and that means fun times for the animals, so it seems.
While I know it’s good to have the Miniature Donkey Molly in the field with the goats as a protector (it took me six months before she’d let my dogs and cats in the field, but that’s another story), they really don’t "interact" unless it’s to convince each other to move out of the way.
Last night, however, Molly and C.J. the neutered Boer goat were having a grand ole time with each other. I just stood amazed and watched them at first, then, of course, I had to offer some encouragement.
C.J. would do his "stand on the hind legs" goat thing that initiates play, then would drop down on all fours and buck and kick and squirm his body all while standing in more or less in place. Molly would watch, then would duck her head, buck, kick, gallop around (which doesn’t really cover a lot of ground considering her short legs), and slide to a stop to see what C.J.’s next action was
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