For Immediate Release –
For more information contact the:

American Shetland Pony Club
American Miniature Horse Registry
Johnny Robb, Director of Marketing

Farnam’s Platform¨ Feed Continues National Sponsorship with American Shetland Pony Club & American Miniature Horse Registry for 2010

Morton, Ill. (January 27, 2010) – Small equine owners are in for a big treat during 2010, as Farnam Companies, Inc. is continuing their sponsorship of the American Shetland Pony Club and American Miniature Horse Registry (ASPC/AMHR). As makers of Farnam’s Platform¨ Miniature Horse and Pony Feed, Farnam Companies has supported the ASPC/AMHR since 2006.

Farnam’s Platform Miniature Horse and Pony Feed is specially formulated for the more efficient digestive systems of the miniature horse and pony to help reduce nutritionally-related problems such as obesity. “The feed has been well received by the small equine market and small equine owners across the country have come to rely on Farnam as a leader in the small equine industry,” said Johnny Robb, Director of Marketing for the ASPC/AMHR. “I use Farnam’s Platform Miniature Horse and Pony Feed and am extremely pleased with the results

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