Homemade Weed Control Spray

Trying to beat those weeds? Here’s a homemade herbicide recipe for tank sprayers or spray bottles that’s low in chemicals and caustic substances.
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Homemade Weed Control Spray
This weed spray is most useful on driveways or patio areas. Don’t use it on a lawn as it is non-selective, meaning it will kill everything. | Photo: Alayne Blickle, Horses for Clean Water

Trying to beat those weeds? Here’s a homemade herbicide recipe for tank sprayers or spray bottles that’s low in chemicals and caustic substances. Use it on driveways or patio areas. Don’t use it on a lawn as it non-selective, meaning it will kill everything–even your lawn. All the ingredient products can be purchased at a garden store or home center.

Weed Control Spray Recipe

  • 1 gallon household white vinegar
  • 1 Tablespoon Turbo Spreader Sticker concentrate
    1 ounce insecticidal soap concentrate

Mix ingredients together in a tank sprayer and spot spray weeds on a calm day with no rain in sight for at least 12 hours.

The Turbo Spreader Sticker is a useful product to use even for those who use chemical herbicides. When used as an additive to sprays it acts as an adhering agent, helping to disperse the product evenly and protecting it from rain and sun. It also keeps the product on the plants and doesn’t let it run off or evaporate. When you use a sticker, you won’t have to use as much herbicide to get the job done.

What do you do to beat the weeds?


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Alayne Blickle, a lifelong equestrian and ranch riding competitor, is the creator/director of Horses for Clean Water, an award-winning, internationally acclaimed environmental education program for horse owners. Well-known for her enthusiastic, down-to-earth approach, Blickle is an educator and photojournalist who has worked with horse and livestock owners since 1990 teaching manure composting, pasture management, mud and dust control, water conservation, chemical use reduction, firewise, and wildlife enhancement. She teaches and travels North America and writes for horse publications. Blickle and her husband raise and train their mustangs and quarter horses at their eco-sensitive guest ranch, Sweet Pepper Ranch, in sunny Nampa, Idaho.

14 Responses

  1. re: Homemade Weed Control Spray

    I appreciate ANY ideas for weed control that are environmentally safe.  When we grazed multiple species (cattle, sheep, goats, horses) my pastures had no weeds.  Now that I am a vegetarian and I only have my horses weeds are a nightmare!

  2. re: Homemade Weed Control Spray

    Just been trialling a big dense patch of blackberries with 4 litres of food grade vinegar (higher in acetic acid than cleaning one ) 2 cups of salt and a tbs of washing detergent (adhesive) and it is working a treat, 5 days and 80 % dead so prob just n

  3. re: Homemade Weed Control Spray

    I live in north south Wisconsin . And the pasture has taken its toll. It needs to be reseeded but am not sure what or which to go with or for that matter.  Which seed is good or mix we have some wet spots that stay wet. But then again its dry. I n

  4. re: Homemade Weed Control Spray

    Does anyone know how to kill Hemp Dogbane? This weed keeps coming back.

  5. re: Homemade Weed Control Spray

    You can save by using mineral oil or dish soap instead of a spreader/sticker.  Not sure about vinegar.  You need something more systemic.

  6. re: Homemade Weed Control Spray

    You can save by using mineral oil or dish soap instead of a spreader/sticker.  Not sure about vinegar.  You need something more systemic.

  7. re: Homemade Weed Control Spray

    We have goats! And haven’t sprayed for weeds in the 7 years since we acquired them.  I’m sure that there are weeds that they will not eat, but so far they have consumed everything that our property has served up to them. As a plus, they clean up t

  8. re: Homemade Weed Control Spray

    If you haven’t completed any scientific research with your recipe to determine it’s efficacy on specific weeds as compared to registered herbicides, it seems irresponsible to recommend it’s use. The fact is there are herbicides available that work much

  9. re: Homemade Weed Control Spray

    MIRIMICHI GREEN  mgpros.com

    Mirimichi Green Weed Control.  EPA registered.  It is completely safe. Main ingredient is beef tallow.  Does not affect the Soil. Kills a weed in a couple of hours.  Being used on thoroughbred

  10. re: Homemade Weed Control Spray

    From what I’ve read in the past, vinegar only kills the part of the plant above ground.  Doesn’t kill the plant at the root where it’s needed.

  11. re: Homemade Weed Control Spray

    good luck with that, my weeds are tough! did not work for me

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